Serious breast cancer has now become a menace to women over the age of five. The number of women suffering from breast cancer is increasing day by day. According to a survey, breast cancer is the leading cause of death from cancer. Therefore, the month of October is celebrated as Breast Cancer Awareness Month to spread awareness among women about breast cancer.
There are some important things to keep in mind to prevent breast cancer. The most common causes of breast cancer are family history, advancing age and hyperplasia and Etipia. However, with a few things in mind, the possibility of breast cancer can be avoided.
Start with a light diet
Women who are on a low fat diet have lower levels of the female hormone estrogen in their blood and are less likely to develop breast cancer. The sooner you improve your diet, the better for your health. Some research has shown that taking a low fat diet from adolescence onwards has a very good effect on our body and it keeps the estrogen levels under control despite aging. Weight gain after the onset of menstruation is usually harmful, as it increases the amount of estrogen in the body, which is responsible for breast cancer. Increased estrogen levels in semen increase the chances of breast cancer by one and a half times.
Vitamin D
Scientists have noted that in countries where sunlight reaches less, the incidence of breast cancer is higher. In addition, according to a study conducted in Canada, women who have been deficient in vitamin D for 3 consecutive years have the highest number of cases of breast cancer. Once treated, she was diagnosed with breast cancer again and in some cases even died. Vitamin D prevents the formation of abnormal cells in the body and at the same time prevents the growth of blood vessels which provide nutrition to the tumor. Vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of prostate, breast and endometric cancers.
Need to exercise
According to a study conducted at the University of North Carolina, about 10 hours of exercise a week can reduce the risk of breast cancer by up to 50%. According to researchers, exercise improves our digestion and regular exercise also helps control our weight and reduces the amount of estrogen that causes tumor growth. The higher the amount of fat in the body, the higher the amount of estrogen. Therefore, regular exercise should be done.
Avoid alcohol
Breast cancer is also more common in women who are regular drinkers. According to a study conducted at a medical center in Los Angeles, red wine is better for your health than white wine. This lowers the levels of the hormone estrogen in the body. In fact, the antioxidants in red wine, which is used to make red wine, reduce estrogen.
Get enough sleep
8 hours of sleep throughout the day is very important. According to research from an online website, less than 8 hours of sleep causes inflammation in the body. In addition, according to a study, women who work late at night have a 40% increased risk of developing breast cancer. Such women eat, sleep and work at a time when their body is not ready to work. Of course, women who are forced to work at night should consult a doctor to adjust their body’s biological clock.
IVF screening
According to a study published in the journal Fertility and Sterility, women between the ages of 30 and 40 who undergo IVF (in vitro fertilization) treatment are more likely to develop breast cancer. If anyone in your family has had breast cancer, you should tell your doctor before having IVF. According to cancer experts, artificial estrogenic stimulation is performed in the body during IVF, which increases the chances of breast cancer. However, more research is being done in this direction.
Hormone therapy
The dose and timing of hormone therapy should always be considered. Hormone therapy increases the risk of breast cancer for more than 3 to 4 years during menopause. Taking hormone replacement drugs after menopause increases the risk of not only breast cancer but also uterine cancer. So before taking hormone therapy, ask your doctor about other options. Some non-hormonal therapies such as physical activities may be helpful.